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学术沙龙系列报告(第二期): Randomized algorithms for the computation of the approximate t-URV and its applications

2021-05-29    点击:[]




报告题目:Randomized algorithms for the computation of the approximate t-URV and its applications

摘要:We first give the definition for the t-URV decomposition of a third-order tensor and derive a deterministic algorithm for computing the t-URV. We then present a randomized algorithm to approximate t-URV, named compressed randomized t-URV (cort-URV). Note that t-URV and cort-URV are extensions of URV and compressed randomized URV from the matrix case to the tensor case, respectively. We also establish the deterministic and average-case error bounds for this algorithm. Finally, we illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm via several numerical examples, where we apply cort-URV to compress the data tensors from some image and video databases.

报告人简介:车茂林,复旦大学博士,西南财经大学副教授。研究方向为张量分解的随机算法及其应用。部分研究成果发表在SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Journal of Scientific Computing, Advances in Computational Mathematics等期刊。在Springer出版社出版英文专著一部。正主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项。


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说明: D:\学院研究生工作\常用\研究生学术论坛\第二期\12DA743EC073608975024AA54109FFB1.jpg
